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MongoDB is a document oriented Database and it is written in C++.Because of its cross platform it is widely used in industries.At the same time its performance,scalability and availability also high.
MongoDb is a NoSQL database.

Advantages of MongoDB
1.Number of fields and size can differ from documents.
2.Deep query ability
3.No complex joins.......
Where it is used
1.App relational database
2.Data hub
3.Huge data management.
4.Social infrastructure.

After install the MongoDB in your laptop.You can carry out your tasks as you want.
So our next question is where we have our works in laptops?Our works will be in terminal(ubuntu),command prompt(windows).Yes when pay our view towards terminal face works.

In terminal there are two main steps to do our mongoDB works
1.sudo mongod
2.sudo mongo
actually here we start the server and client side respectively.So why we used sudo here.sudo means it detect the whole laptop and find out and start ,no need to start the work on terminal from exact position.

Now we ready to do our works.
1)So now we have to create a database.
2)To see the database in my laptops

3)To find out at what database currently i do my work

4)To delete the database which i have created
(before this we find out the current position so we can drop the database as follows it means it drop the current DB if you want to drop any other, than current you can switched in to it as use databasename and enter db to find location and drop)

5)To create a collection in to the database.

6)To drop my collection
7)To see my all my collection
<show collections


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