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Showing posts from January, 2019


Node JS is a runtime environment for executing JS code.It is great for prototyping and agile development.Mainly node js  used  to create web servers.Node js is an open source and cross platform.Node js built on the fastest JS engine of google chrome namely V8. Here I want to share something related to my previous point Actually JavaScript code can only execute in browser.It means something that happened inside the browser to execute.Yes really every browser has a js machine to convert the JS code TO machine code. Microsoft explorer - Chakara Firefox - Spider monkey Google chrome - V8    and also because of this process javascript code shown different output in different browser. Outstanding because of its features 1.Fast 2.Simple 3.A huge number of libraries 4.Asynchronously programming, 5.Highly scalable continue with each chapter


MongoDB is a document oriented Database and it is written in C++.Because of its cross platform it is widely used in industries.At the same time its performance,scalability and availability also high. MongoDb is a NoSQL database. Advantages of MongoDB 1.Number of fields and size can differ from documents. 2.Deep query ability 3.No complex joins....... Where it is used 1.App relational database 2.Data hub 3.Huge data management. 4.Social infrastructure. After install the MongoDB in your laptop.You can carry out your tasks as you want. So our next question is where we have our works in laptops?Our works will be in terminal(ubuntu),command prompt(windows).Yes when pay our view towards terminal face works. In terminal there are two main steps to do our mongoDB works 1.sudo mongod 2.sudo mongo actually here we start the server and client side respectively.So why we used sudo here.sudo means it detect the whole laptop and find out and start ,no need to start the work on ...

Responsive Web Design

When we go through a website it is not respond for devices' screen size it become major problem for the user and failure for the server.So that when a website is response for a screen size it is called responsive web design and it become success for all. Features as follows 1.Media queries css uses media queries to adapt a website content in a diiferent manner.           @media only screen and (max-width: 480px){           .page-title {            width: 270px;            }            } 2.Range It is used to target the specified screen size by setting multiple size.             @media only screen and (min-width: 320px) and (max-                    width: 480px) , (orientation: portrait) {            .gallery-item .thumbnail { ...


SASS stands for Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets. Sass is a style sheet language.SassScript a simple scripting language used in sass files. Sass is an extension of CSS that adds power and elegance to the basic language.Sass reduce the repetition with css and saves time. It allows us to use variables ,nested rules,mixins,inline and imports. It helps to keep the large style sheets in well organized manner. Sass supports for two syntax 1.SCSS syntax 2.Indented syntax SCSS syntax means extension of css syntax and with file extension .scss.Indented syntax is a older we can wrote css syntax in a short and sweet manner.its file extension is .sass. At the same time some difficulties faced by a developer such as difficult to expert in new feature,handle on editing and lost of built in element inspector.