Basic linux commands
Linux is an operating system mostly used by programmers to carry out their task efficiently. In Windows we used cmd for CLI,as same for CLI here we used terminal.Here also we used mostly same as cmd key words.
cd - change directory
ls - list
mkdir - make directory
rmdir - remove directory
mv - move
man - manual
touch - file formation
rm - remove file
clear - clear the on screen
lnr - print
cat - file contents
df - display the used and available space of harddisk
su - switch to another user
top -display the sources used by system
free -diplay detail about ram
date -display the current system date and time
halt -prevent the data loss
du -space that file take
who -indicate who logged in
ps -detail about theprocessor
uname -r - display the version
Other than that, we used some techniques to get in to directory and get back from directory,and also some other steps also available to get back from directory step by step. We can clearly understand through the following screenshot.
Linux is an operating system mostly used by programmers to carry out their task efficiently. In Windows we used cmd for CLI,as same for CLI here we used terminal.Here also we used mostly same as cmd key words.
cd - change directory
ls - list
mkdir - make directory
rmdir - remove directory
mv - move
man - manual
touch - file formation
rm - remove file
clear - clear the on screen
lnr - print
cat - file contents
df - display the used and available space of harddisk
su - switch to another user
top -display the sources used by system
free -diplay detail about ram
date -display the current system date and time
halt -prevent the data loss
du -space that file take
who -indicate who logged in
ps -detail about theprocessor
uname -r - display the version
Other than that, we used some techniques to get in to directory and get back from directory,and also some other steps also available to get back from directory step by step. We can clearly understand through the following screenshot.
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