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Showing posts from November, 2018


Git hub is a web based hosting service for version control using git.Git hub is a project based management system.It is a good platform for the developers.Git hub is a SCM(Source Code Management. Now we can go through the git hub installing and coding. 1) Installing a git hub in a Linux (in Linux all coding are followed in terminal)         sudo apt-get install git 2)Configuring git hub    When we completed our installing after that we should have to configure our account as follows          get config -- global "user name"           get config -- global "email id"   once we configured our account no need to configure each time. Mainly seven steps are available to push the files in to git hub 1)git<>init 2)git<>add<>./* 3)git<>status 4)git<>commit<>-m<>detail 5)git<>remote<>add<>origin...


*  HTML refers to Hyper Text Markup Language.HTML is used as a front design languages in web development.Basically HTML is used for structured the web page of a web site.At the same time it is a basic language for all web development languages. *  When we designed our task in Html we wrote the coding in text editor.To observe the output of the task it should be saved with file extension (.html/.htm) *  Html consist of tags and attributes *  Html is not case sensitive like Java but it mostly sense to tags opening,value and name.Some tags are self closing tags and some are non self closing tags. Here we can see a normal basic web page code with basic tags in HTML5. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Introduction</title> </head> <body> <h1>elements</h1> <p>tags are used to structure the web page</p> </body> </html> Html consist of opening tag and closing tag.Main differen...


#  Flowchart is a method to represent the algorithm in a graphical method. #  Flowchart is mainly represented by shapes.Every shape has certain meaning in flow. Components of flowchart Input/Output Processing Decision Flow line Start/Stop Sequence flow - It means that a event was happened in a sequence manner without repetition.   Eg : morning exercise Selection - It means that a event was happened in a selection manner.   Eg : mode of transportation Repetititon - It means that a event was happened in repetition manner   Eg : if we failed in some entry task we have to repeat something Loop : It means that a event repeat with some condition   Eg : Add only 10 random events.


Pseudocode is one way to express the algorithm.It mainly based on english words and vb keywords.Really pseudocode is a description of high level language. Components Variables input/output assignment selection repetition Variable - It has certain value and name.Really it assign some value at that time of running Input - Getting data from user according to the process. Output - Display their needs as results. Assignment - It means that currently some value to variable eg: t = 8 Selection - Explain simple scenario         When an electricianmeter reader usually visits home to read the machine.          if house was opened read the bill and hand out          else print the average of last 3 months Repetition - Explain same as         In a company products were produced by workers         if it is packed without damage sent to sale         el...

Toast master

Commonly Toastmaster means that a person who take the certain event in proceedings.But it was intiated by US youths to improve their communication skills.Main purpose of this is to improve their communication,leadership and forwardness.Toastmasters uses a club based structure having 20 to 40 members.Mostly meetings are held in the evening.Toastmaster carry out the meeting and call the person to intro.Anually world champion of public speaking is held on august.Since it was intiated by youths in a small level,now it was followed by million of people. Here toast master asked to introduced themself.Table topic master,Round robin master,Timer,Ah counter,Grammarian,Evaluator introduced themself.

Nano text editor

Normally when we used linux terminal for coding ,nano editor is more preferable to use to text editing than use normal text editor like atom. Short cuts for nano editors Ctrl+O Save option Ctrl+K Cut Ctrl+U Uncut Ctrl+E End line Ctrl+A Begun of line Ctrl+W Search for text Ctrl+X Exit Ctrl+J Justify Ctrl+H Backspace Ctrl+D Delete Ctrl+/ Line to be Ctrl+F Move forward character Ctrl+B Move backward character Ctrl+sp Next word Ctrl+N Next line Ctrl+P Previous line Ctrl+Z Automatic recovery Ctrl+C Stop the running Ctrl+6 Highlight Ctrl+V Move down a page Ctrl+Y Move up a page Alt+A Step selecting Ctrl+R Open a new file

Discussion about the basic LINUX commands

Basic linux commands Linux is an operating system mostly used by programmers to carry out their task efficiently. In Windows we used cmd for CLI,as same for CLI here we used terminal.Here also we used mostly same as cmd key words. cd           - change directory ls             - list mkdir      - make directory rmdir     - remove directory mv          - move man        - manual touch       -   file formation rm           - remove file clear       - clear the on screen lnr          - print cat          - file contents df            - display the used and available space of harddisk su            - switch to another user top      ...


Google classroom Google classroom is a method of e-learning.As usual we learnt lessons with papers and pen.Main different between the usual and this is,handling of lessons,assignments,references every thing in online.Announcement can be transmit in both way. Accessing also very easy.Every day class plan can be sent to the students to get ready to the next class at the same time we can go through the previous lessons too. Slack  It was founded by    Stewart Butterfield . Basically slack was used as internal tool for their company.But  now it become professional.It consist of so many features.General is used for common official conversation.Random is used for casual communication. We can also call through slack. Trello Trello was originally made by    Fog Creek Software .It can be used for both office and personal.It is best tool for planning and proceeding. Trello consist of labels, which can be used for multiple purpose.As same as oth...


welcome to uki friends  welcome to our fitness club  enjoy your fitness be smart