Node.js What is Node.js? Node.js used as back-end (server-side) language in the development. As usual client/user deal with the front end of the applications.There are much process behind that , we call it as back-end.There, we used several languages like Node.js, php and java as server side languages and MongoDB or MySQL as data base. Node.js is an open-source ,cross-platform javascript runtime environment and library for running web applications outside the client's browser.It is a server-side platform built on Google Chrome's javascript engine(V8 Engine).Node.js was developed by Ryan Dahi in 2009 and its latest version is v14.13.0. Node.js applications are written in javascript and can be run within the Node.js runtime on OS X,Microsoft Windows and Linux. Node.js = Runtime Environment + JavaScript Library. Reference ( Simplilearn youtube channel, Node.js documentation)
Authentication mean that identify users and provision of access of rights and contents depending on their ID.Node authentication is the technique used to ensure that the managing server and data collectors communicate with each other in a secure manner.Authentication can be categorized as follows 1.Session based 2.Token based 3.Password less What is session based authentication? User credentials such as user name or email and password are compared with the database where this data was stored.If they match, a session is initialized for the user with the fetched ID.